Top 10 Yoga Poses

For Reducing Weight

Plank ( Phalakasana )

The simple pose is focused on strengthening core, shoulder, glutes and much more.

Downward Facing Dog (Adhomukhasvanasana)

This works best to improve the strength of arms , glutes, thighs hamstringe and back.

Bridge Pose (SetuBandhaSarvangasana )

This pose helps with multiple problems like hypertension, menopause symtoms and also tones muscles 

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

This pose works best for strengthening thiegs and lower obliques while also imporouing blood flow .

Chair Pose

This pose works on multiple stabilizing muscles while also aiding fat loss.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana )

This yoga pose improves your posture and stretches your full body .

Boat Pose

This pose is great for improving strength in legs and great for fat loss if performed.

Warrior Pose (Virbhadrasana )

Improves strength while also improving balance and flexibility.

Ardhmatsyendrasan Yoga

This yoga is a seated twist asana practiced to improved body posture and restore the digestive system.