Top 10 Yoga Poses
For Reducing Weight
Plank ( Phalakasana )
The simple pose is focused on streng
thening core, shoulder, glutes and much more.
Downward Facing Dog (Adhomukhasvanasana)
This works best to improve the stre
ngth of arms , glutes, thighs hamstringe and back.
Bridge Pose (SetuBandhaSarvangasana )
This pose helps with multiple problems like
symtoms and also tones muscles
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
This pose works best for
strengthening thiegs and lower
obliques while also imporouing blood flow .
Chair Pose
This pose works on multiple
stabilizing muscles while
also aiding fat loss.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana )
This yoga pose improves
your posture and stretches
your full body .
Boat Pose
This pose is great for improving
strength in legs and great for fat
loss if performed.
Warrior Pose (Virbhadrasana )
Improves strength while also
improving balance and
Ardhmatsyendrasan Yoga
This yoga is a seated twist asana
practiced to improved body posture
and restore the digestive system.
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